Next Steps

Next Steps gives each person a starting point for their further growth process in Christ Worship Center. God made you for a purpose. Through Next Steps we can discover what that goal is and how we can take steps to achieve that goal.

Next Steps consists of four sessions:
Step 1: CHURCH In this session we tell more about our structure, vision, leadership and membership
Step 2: THE ESSENCE In this session we explain how you can follow Jesus in your daily life
Step 3: DISCOVER In this session you will discover more about how God made you and how He wants to use you in His Kingdom
Step 4: DREAM TEAM In this session we help you to find a place in Christ Worship Center that suits you

Next Steps takes place on four consecutive Monday evenings. Start with a shared meal with Alpha students at 6:00 PM. 
Workbook costs: € 10.00 Meal contribution: € 7.50 p.p. per evening
